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TD will not start up


Getting this error....

There was an error initializing The Tournament Director, and the program cannot continue.

Error in init sequence at "Repo": ReferenceError: err is not defined

at Object.Repo.loadRepoConfig (file:///C:/Users/branu/AppData/Local/Temp/2022321-5720-b5hwpt.lxpj5-Repo:514:14) at file:///C:/Users/branu/AppData/Local/Temp/2022321-5720-b5hwpt.lxpj5-Repo: 584:10


(file:///C:/Users/branu/AppData/Local/Temp/2022321-5720-caztm2.phjp7-Dialog:2476:3) at Object Repo.repoStartup


at Bootstrap.init Repo (file:///C:/Users/branu/AppData/Local/Temp/2022321-5720-1d4myz.f1me4-PostBoot:846:8)

at Bootstrap.initSequence


Corey Cooper:
This is due to the TD application having no access to its configuration files.  Something is preventing it from accessing the preferences and datastore configuration files.  This IS also a bug, in that it should not fail and prevent you from using the application.  It should warn you and continue, but the bug causes the complete failure.  But even without the bug, your preferences would be reset every time you start the application.  So it is a situation outside of the TD that you'll want to fix.

This TD bug is already fixed and will be in the next update.

In the meantime, you will need to determine why the application can not access those files.  They are located in your Documents folder:

C:\Users\Dahorn\Documents\The Tournament Director 2

(assuming you login to Windows with a user ID of "Dahorn" - otherwise change that.)

In my experience this is always a "permission" error, meaning the application doesn't have permission to access those files.  I would suggest temporarily disabling any anti-virus software you may have running.  You also might try disabling OneDrive, if you have that enabled.  Any other types of anti-virus, backup, or file sharing applications may be the culprit.


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